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Dentistry & Dental Technology


Dental technology Dental technology refers to the application of scientific and technological advancements in dentistry. It involves the use of various tools, equipment, and materials to improve the diagnosis, treatment, and overall patient experience in dental procedures. It has evolved significantly over the years, incorporating digital imaging, computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM), and other innovative [...]

Dentistry & Dental Technology2024-04-17T15:48:35+05:30

Oral health 7; important facts about teeth you should know.


As we all know beauty and hygiene are part of our health when it comes to the face our teeth are more important. Healthy and properly aligned teeth are more important. If we take care of our oral health properly it will stay longer and healthier. There are several facts about oral health which makes [...]

Oral health 7; important facts about teeth you should know.2024-04-17T16:15:49+05:30

Are dental X-rays safe?


Dental X-rays are the most effective and common diagnostic procedure that is consider as safe. Now a days people follow the most effective and safe methods for their day to day living, especially for physical health . Teeth is one of most important part in our face . Dental X-rays are common all over the [...]

Are dental X-rays safe?2024-04-18T16:22:05+05:30

How Oral health impacts overall health


You might be wondering how is oral health have an impact on your overall health. Your oral health is important and serious than you think and realise. Oral health and overall health have a very deep connection as in when your gums and teeth’s get effected then it can destruct your overall general health. Now [...]

How Oral health impacts overall health2024-04-18T16:30:15+05:30

Top 10 ways to improve your overall dental health.


Dental health is important, but maintaining good dental health is even more crucial. Your looks and quality of life will improve if you keep a healthy mouth, teeth, and gums. Now we will see different ways to improve your oral hygiene: - Dental health plays a very important role in your overall health conditions. So, [...]

Top 10 ways to improve your overall dental health.2024-04-18T17:23:47+05:30

Sensitive Teeth: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments 


The following article focuses on tooth sensitivity, detailing the different causes and symptoms of sensitive teeth and the essential treatments required in order to decrease tooth sensitivity.   TEETH SENSITIVITY   Teeth sensitivity is the discomfort experienced due to hot, cold, sweet and sour foods and drinks or even by breathing cold air. The resulting pain [...]

Sensitive Teeth: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments 2024-04-23T17:26:00+05:30

Why Dental health is so Important?


Dental health or oral health mainly concerns your teeth, gums and mouth. It focuses on preventing complications such as tooth decay, gum disease etc. and to maintain the overall health of your mouth by keeping one’s mouth clean and free of disease. Diseases and many other health conditions can affect your dental health and the [...]

Why Dental health is so Important?2024-04-19T10:53:01+05:30



Root canal treatment (also known as endodontic therapy, endodontic treatment, or root canal therapy) is necessary when the pulp (the central part within the tooth housing the blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissues) becomes infected or inflamed. This procedure is performed to save a damaged or badly infected tooth instead of extracting it. It is [...]


What are Dental Implants? Types, Procedures, Cost and More…


Dental implants are artificial structures inserted into a patient’s jawbone by a dental surgeon. Implants are required, if a patient has lost one or more teeth. A dental implant substitutes for a missing tooth. With screw-like devices, an implant is inserted into the jawbone, which then acts as an anchor for an artificial tooth called [...]

What are Dental Implants? Types, Procedures, Cost and More…2024-04-19T11:01:03+05:30



Cosmetic dentistry is used to refer dental works that improves the appearance of teeth, gums and bite. It mainly focuses on the improvement in dental aesthetics such as colour, position, shape, size, alignment and smile appearance. The two primary dental specialties that focus on dental aesthetics are prosthodontics and orthodontics. While general dentistry focuses on [...]

WHAT IS COSMETIC DENTISTRY?2024-04-19T11:07:53+05:30
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